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Hello World! How I Decided To Start a Blogging Website


"HELLO WORLD". Did you know that the "hello world" is the phrase that is use commonly produced by developers on their first program? Following this tradition I created by first blog post with the infamous "Hello World".

Not Afraid

Why Create a Website

After going back and forth and making soo many excuses and procastination, I have finally decided that I am going to start and build my own website. I know a lot of things about the internet and a know a bit about web development so I have the technical knowledge and skills requried to accomplish it.

I always wanted to create my own website, it's a personal dream of mine to have a successful website. But I know that it wont be easy so I have been procastinating and have been putting it off for so long time. There are too many excuses that I can think of, but honestly I am just scared to do it. I don't have any confidence on myself and I fear that blogging isn't for me and I am not a good enough writer.

I tried making websites before but I always end up abandoning it. The reason is I am not confident about it working out so I just end up stopping like after launching the website I created.

Previous Experience

After creating a few website before and failing , this time around I have gained enough courage and confidence that I can make this website successful. Now am now very excited about this new project because I found a perfect domain name for my website. The domain name that I found is called Yes, Yakuza, which means 'japanese syndicate'. The reason I like this domain name is because I am a huge Japanese fan. I like their cultures, movies and especially like Anime. I hope to visit that country someday.

But then I realized that I am missing out if I don't ever do it. I don't know if blogging is for me or if will it fail, but how would I know unless I give it a try.

So now here I am with my new blog and this is my first blog post.

Keep going forward. There are more exciting things to come!